viernes, 24 de febrero de 2017

Fourth Reflection


At the time teachers create materials to use on their classes, it is very important that they include colors on them, as colors are not only important to motivate the students, but colors have a side effect on students’ learning.

The students who are instructed with colorful materials get better results than the ones that are taught using black and white materials because the brain tends to be stimulated more and remember more the things when they are in colors.

Some colors have an effect in learning. For example, the color blue is useful to transmit a feeling of relaxation to students; the color red tends to make the students feel more concentrate when teachers use this color in activities. Orange also helps students to remember the things and to think clearly. That is why some tests are printed in orange color.

As a conclusion, colors have a powerful effect in the students’ brain and in their learning. Teachers need to know how to apply the colors in the learning environment to improve the students’ learning. Some colors have a positive effect when they are used with measure; however, when they are used in excess they can have a bad effect, too.


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